The World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe developed a screening tool, called IAQ Risk Calculator, to assess health risks from combined exposure to indoor air pollutants in public settings for children such as schools, kindergartens and day-care centers. The experts of the National Public Health Center (NPHC) were involved in the development process of the tool. The NPHC contributed to the following activities:
- experts of the NPHC were regularly participated in the expert meetings;
- experts of the NPHC were the principal authors of the supporting material called ‘Literature review on chemical pollutants in indoor air in public settings for children and overview of their health effects with a focus on schools, kindergartens and day-care centres’
- a workshop dedicated to the tool was organized in Budapest as a side event at the International Conference on Problem-Solving Approaches to Ensure Schoolchildren’s Health organized by the NPHC;
- experts of the NPHC tested the IAQ Risk Calculator with the monitoring data of the InAirQ project and presentations were made on the results of the pilot testing at different events;
- a training was organized on communicating risks from exposure to multiple chemicals in indoor air in public settings for children at the NPHC;
- an expert of the NPHC contributed to the preparation of a scientific publication describing the methodology of and the early experience in the application of a screening tool;
- experts of the NPHC were the principal authors of the supporting material called ‘Measures to reduce risks for children’s health from combined exposure to multiple chemicals in indoor air in public settings for children with a focus on schools, kindergartens and day-care centres: supplementary publication to the screening tool for assessment of health risks from combined exposure to multiple chemicals in indoor air in public settings for children’.