Medical Geology: Man and Environment

Monica Radulescu and Grigore Buia

University of Petrosani, Romania

Corresponding author: Monica Radulescu
    University of Petrosan
    Str. Universitatii 20.
    RO-2675 Petrosani, Romania
    Telephone: 0040-54-549597
    Fax number: 0040-54-549597
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CEJOEM 2002, Vol.8. No.2–3.:251–256

Key words:
Geology, health, disease, geochemistry, environment, toxicity

Medical geology deals with the relationships between natural geological human factors and animal health problems. Here, environment means geological and edaphic constituents that act upon life. Understanding the role of rocks, soils and groundwater in influencing the health of local populations requires collaboration of geochemists, mineralogists and medical researchers. It is very important to separate the environmental contributions to disease from those produced by man. Medical geology has a significant role in reconceptualizing the beneficial and the harmful aspects of the natural world.

Received:  3 July 2002
Accepted:  2 October 2002

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