Chemical Speciation of Metal Ions and its Biological Relevance

Tamás Kiss

Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Szeged, Hungary

Corresponding author: Prof. Tamás Kiss
    Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
    University of Szeged
    P.O.B. 440
    H-6701 Szeged, Hungary
    Telephone: +36 62 544-337
    Fax number: +36 62 420-505
    E-mail address:

CEJOEM 2002, Vol.8. No.2–3.:104–117

Key words:
Biospeciation, Al(III), VO(IV), insulinomimetics, blood serum, Ca(II)

The paper gives a brief insight into chemical speciation: the definition, the methods available to study the solution state of metal ions, and the relevance of speciation in biology. In order to describe the solution state of these metal ions in the organism, speciation of the toxic Al(III), the beneficial VO(IV) and Ca(II) in various biofluids and tissues is treated. The importance of ternary complex formation with endogenous biomolecules is emphasised. The relevance of the biospeciation of Al(III) ion in its transport and involvement in neurological disorders, and that of insulinomimetic VO(IV) complexes and Ca(II) in mineralisation/demineralisation processes is discussed.

Received:  3 July 2002
Accepted:  31 October 2002

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