Micronucleus Level in Exfoliated Buccal Mucosa Cells

Armen K. Nersesyan1,2, Gayane G. Zalinyan1, Nina S. Vartazaryan1, and Rouben M. Arutyunyan1

1 Department of Genetics and Cytology, State University, Yerevan, Armenia
2 Cancer Research Center, Yerevan, Armenia

Corresponding author: Armen K. Nersesyan, Ph.D, D.Sc
    Department of Genetics and Cytology
    State University, 1 Alex Manoukian, Yerevan, Armenia
    Telephone: +3741 552352
    Fax number: +3741 151087
    E-mail: genetik@ysu.am

CEJOEM 2001, Vol.7. No.1.:39-44

Key words:
Micronuclei, nuclear anomalies, exfoliated cells, hirsutism

CA = chromosomal aberration
MN = micronucleus/micronuclei
MNC = micronucleated cell
WH = women with hirsutism

The micronucleus (MN) level in exfoliated buccal mucosa cells of women with marked hirsutism (WH) was studied. Other nuclear anomalies such as karyorrhexis, karyolysis, pycnosis, binucleates and condensed chromatin were also investigated. As control, buccal mucosa cells of healthy women of corresponding ages were studied. The results showed that in the cells of WH the frequencies of MN and cells with MN were increased compared to controls. The nuclear anomalies were at the same level as in controls.
    We suggest that the evaluation of MN in exfoliated buccal mucosa cells can represent endogenous mutation process in organism of WH as earlier it was shown for chromosomal aberrations in lymphocytes. Consequently, WH should avoid contact with mutagens because of genetic instability in somatic cells and therefore should have restriction for some kind of work.

Received:  11 January 2001
Accepted:  02 February 2001

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