Approximation of Laws to EU Regulations

A Comparative Study on the 91/689/EEC Council Directive and Related Legislation and the Hungarian Government Decree No 102/1996 of Hazardous Waste

Hilda Farkas and Amanda Horváth

National Institute of Environmental Health, Fodor József National Center for Public Health, Budapest, Hungary

Corresponding author: Dr. Hilda Farkas
    National Institute of Environmental Health,
    Fodor József National Center for Public Health
    P.O. Box 36, H-1450 Budapest, Hungary
    Telephone: (+36) 1 215 4916
    Fax number: (+36) 1 215 4916

CEJOEM 1999, Vol.5. No.3-4.:338-352

Key words:
Hazardous waste legislation, EU directives, hazardous waste management

PCB = polychlorinated biphenyls
PCT = polychlorinated terphenyls

The authors present a comparative analysis of EU directives and the Hungarian Government Decree on hazardous waste. The study calls attention to the disparities of the two legislations on hazardous waste management with the inference as for the main tasks that have to be done prior to Hungary's EU integration.
    Thorough analysis was performed on the subject of 91/689/EEC Council Directive and related directives or Council Decisions e. g.: 94/904/EC (hazardous waste list), 75/439/EEC (disposal of waste oil), 76/403/EEC (disposal of some polychlorinated compounds), 94/67/EC (incineration of hazardous waste) and 97/283/EEC (methods to determine dioxins and furans in atmospheric emission). The study includes a detailed comparison of the Hungarian and EU hazardous waste lists, too.

Received:  08 December 1999
Accepted:  24 February 2000

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