Detection and Measurement of Antioxidant Capacity in Human Sera

Gabriella Bognár*, Miklós Ótós**, and György J. Köteles*

* “Frédéric Joliot-Curie” National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene,
* Budapest, Hungary
** ATOMMED Ltd, H-7031 Paks, P.O.B. 71, Hungary
Corresponding author: Prof. Dr. G. J. Köteles
„Frédéric Joliot-Curie” National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene,
H-1775 Budapest, P.O.Box 101, Hungary.
Tel/Fax: 36-1-226-0026.

CEJOEM 1997, Vol.3. No.4.:293-297

Key words:
Antioxidants, measurement, human sera 

The total antioxidant capacity of human sera was measured by the Randox TAS assay and an average value of 1.55 mmol/L was found from 87 healthy adult persons. Exogenous antioxidant added to the blood could be measured additively. Upon X-irradiation of whole blood samples the antioxidant value decreased by 30 per cent until 1 Gy linearly. Further decrease, however, after higher doses could not be detected. Reductions of radiation-induced human lymphocyte micronucleus frequency as a cytogenetic end-point was observed by increasing the exogenous antioxidant level in serum with a water-soluble form of alpha-tocopherol, the TroloxR, 500 mmol reduced the radiation induced increment by 50–60 per cent in the dose range of 0.25–1.5 Gy, or a plant extract from Sylibum marianum L, in vitro, 100 mg per ml concentration resulted in full protection at 0.1 Gy while at higher dose – 1 Gy – 300 mg per ml gave an appr. 60 per cent protection. 

Received: 12 November 1997
Accepted: 18 December 1997 
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Posted: 16 November 1998