7. Inter-ministerial commissions and co-ordinating mechanisms

This chapter uses tables to list commissions, activities and co-ordination mechanisms in Hungary that are meant to promote sound management of chemicals. It describes the activities of the Inter-Ministerial Commission on Chemical Safety, the PIC Commission, the Environmental Sub-Commission of the Inter-Ministerial Commission on Public Health, the Commission on Chemical Accidents that Span Borders, the Inter-Ministerial Commission on Drugs, and the Inter-Ministerial Commission on European Integration. It contends that these commissions play a significant role in helping and speeding the development of chemical safety, but new regulations should be introduced to strengthen the position of the Inter-Ministerial Commission on Chemical Safety, and it should be provided with the human and infrastructural resources necessary for its activities.

This chapter also states that NGOs play a significant role in chemicals management as well, but it blames the printed and electronic (television, radio) media for rarely discussing issues of chemical safety and sound chemicals management, and contends that the public is not informed adequately.

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