Central European Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
2017, Vol. 23, No 3-4


Current Issues of Recognition and Prevention of Occupational Health Damages in Hungary
from the Social, Political and Economic Changes of Regime up to Now

     György Ungváry

Air Pollution and Related Morbidity and Mortality in Hungary between 2005 and 2014
     Anna Páldy, Tibor Málnási, Márta Szalkai, Éva Vaskövi, Gyula Dura, Péter Rudnai

Quality of Life of Second Generation Roma and Non-Roma Unemployed I.
– Environmental Health Situation

     Éva Szakmáry, Ibolya Hegedûs, Péter Rudnai,Veronika Morvai, and György Ungváry

Democophes Hu – A Human Biomonitoring Study for the Assessment of Environmental Exposures of
School-Aged Children and their Mothers in Hungary

     Szilvia Középesy, Katalin Kovács, Miklós Náray et al.

Low Back Pain among Workers in Offshore Oil Industry
     Dalia A. El-Shafei, Sarah A. Bolbol, and Mahmoud A. Nassar

Working Healthy? Exploring the Relationship Between Shift Work and Health Behaviour
in Spinning and Weaving Industry Workers

     Yasser A Shehata, Heba K Allam

Radiation Therapy and Gene Therapy: a Potential New Combined Modality
in the Management of Malignant Diseases

     Géza Sáfrány and Katalin Lumniczky

Antioxidants in Selected Foods and Beverages and their Role in Prevention of Diseases
     Tatiana Kimaková, Asad Ahmed, and Vladimír Bencko

Case Study

Experiences in Investigating Mass Occurrence of Occupational Ornithosis
     Károly Nagy and Katalin Tauszik


Instruction for Contributors

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