Central European Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
2010, Vol. 16, No 3-4


Activities of the Hungarian Occupational Health Services in 2010, the Numbers of Reported Diseases of Occupational Origin and Cases of Increased Exposure
     Imre Nagy, Károly Nagy, Aranka Hudák, Péter Brunner, Éva Grónai, Valéria Kohánka, Anna László, Marianna Lászlóffy, János Martin, Kornélia Pápay, Zsolt Nagy, and Judit Vágó

About the Health Scientific Justification of Old-Age and Early Retirement Systems - Proposal for an Early Retirement Replacement System
     György Ungváry, Veronika Morvai, Ferenc Kudász, András Paksy, Éva Szakmáry, Péter Brunner, and Imre Nagy

Public Health Conditions of the Unemployed in the Ózd Small Area before the Financial-Economic World Crisis I.
     Ibolya Hegedüs, Éva Szakmáry, András Paksy, Péter Rudnai, Veronika Morvai, and György Ungváry

Air Pollution and Acute Respiratory Morbidity in Childhood
     Tamás Rudnai, Mihály J. Varró, Éva Vaskövi, Márta Hangyáné-Szalkai, Gyula Dura, and Péter Rudnai

Hungarian Scientific Society for Occupational Health and Medicine 30th Congress
Székesfehérvár, Hungary - October 7-9, 2010

Instruction for Contributors

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