Adaptive Response of Gamma-Irradiated Lymphocytes in Human Population

Gabriella Bognár1, Katalin Szalma1, Miklós Ótos2, and György J. Köteles1

1 “Frédéric Joliot-Curie” National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene, Budapest, Hungary
2 Atommed Ltd. Paks, Hungary

Corresponding author: Dr. Gabriella Bognár
    “Frédéric Joliot-Curie” National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene
    POB. 101
    H-1775 Budapest, Hungary
    Telephone: (+36-1) 482-2000/121

CEJOEM 2007, Vol.13. No.1.: 25–31

Key words:
Ionizing radiation, adaptive response, human lymphocytes, individual sensitivity

Adapted responses were studied in human lymphocytes from blood samples of 133 men of 21–56 years. Gamma-irradiation with 20 mGy conditioning dose and 1 or 2 Gy challenging doses were performed. The time elapsed between the two doses was 1 hour. For endpoint cytokinesis-blocked lymphocyte micronuclei were used. The frequencies were scored in 1000 cells per person and the radiation-induced increments were compared to self-control values. It was found that the lymphocytes of all the persons investigated responded by various extent of decrease of the harm – between 10 and 45 per cent – compared to the effect of large doses only. Accordingly “low” and “high” responding persons could be distinguished. A slight tendency of relationship was observed between the extent of adaptive response and the response of cells to the large dose only. No age dependence of adaptive response was found in this group.

Received: 14 March 2007
Accepted: 28 May 2007

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